Self-Awareness in Adolescence | The sooner the better!






Adolescence is a phase of great changes in the lives of all of us and, with that, also comes the need for greater self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge is the ability to understand, accept and know yourself in more depth, allowing adolescents to reflect on decisions to be taken in their daily lives.

It is an essential step for the formation of each individual, making their choices and life routine more measured and aware.

A good development of self-knowledge brings with it the ability to identify one’s emotions without them becoming suffocating, as well as to better see and understand one’s own behavior and the environment in which one is inserted.

With the unconscious added to the conscious, the teenager obtains a clearer and more balanced view of the situations he goes through, being able to improve his communication and interpersonal relationships.

It is no coincidence that the activity of self-awareness is more valued in adolescence than at any other time in life.

This is because it is during this phase that it is possible to develop a critical sense of the external world, establish internal limits, find your identity and deal with the big questions about the meaning of life.

This all implies recognizing one’s own personality with which one’s strengths and weaknesses are established, aiming at building a better version of oneself.

Why is self-awareness in adolescence essential for lifelong development?


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Self-awareness in adolescence is fundamental for development for the rest of life, as it is during this phase that people begin to develop psychologically.

It is essential that today’s young people learn to recognize their interests, abilities and preferences in order to develop healthily as adults.

Self-awareness plays an important role in building resilience and making better decisions as teens move through their lives.

By exploring who they are, teens also learn to accept themselves, establish their identities as an adult, and develop confidence in their individual abilities.

By gaining self-awareness during adolescence, young people will have a greater understanding of their interests and talents, which will help determine the direction of their professional lives and lifestyles.

In addition, studies show that teens with better self-awareness have better critical thinking, planning, and impulse control skills, which contribute significantly to overall mental health.

Being aware of yourself and how you relate to others are important factors for emotional development!

People must trust their instincts and feel good about themselves to deal correctly with internal and external pressures.

Engraining self-awareness in adolescence, therefore, ensures a healthy establishment for a modern, mentally well-being adult.

Tips to encourage teenagers to gain self-knowledge at this stage of life:

1. Feed your interest with inspiring books and stories: Browse biographies, psychological novels, documentaries and films, which explore life issues such as interpersonal relationships, self-acceptance and grief. This can be an excellent way to speed up the process of discovering your inner self.

2. Practice the internal dialogue: to begin self-knowledge, it is necessary to take some time to reflect. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time, but it’s important to remember that this is necessary for development.

It is important that teenagers take a moment each day to stop and do some internal analysis.

3. Invite parents to talk about themselves: being open to talking about their own process of self-knowledge can help parents and children to better understand themselves.

In addition, sharing and building memories is fundamental to help discover the inner self.

4. Encourage practical activities: self-knowledge can also be achieved in a more playful way, with the practice of fun activities.

Activities such as yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques, as well as sports, can help with the expression process.

5. Develop self-respect and a positive self-image: Self-awareness is vital to developing self-esteem.

Get your teen to start highlighting their strengths, prioritizing their values, and setting their own goals. In this way, he will find his own course.

Self-Awareness in Adolescence | The sooner the better!

Final remarks:

Self-awareness in adolescence can bring many benefits to adolescents. These advantages include:

  • Improved Decision-Making Skills: Self-awareness helps teens better understand their own feelings, wants, and needs, which enables them to make informed, healthy decisions throughout their lives.
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  • Increased Understanding of Personality: Understanding the qualities and tendencies that define a teenager’s personality helps them understand and accept themselves.

This, in turn, can contribute to reducing stress and anxiety and increasing a sense of self-acceptance.

  • More Confidence: When a teenager understands himself better, he is more likely to have greater self-confidence and feel comfortable and secure in his interests and actions.

It can also lead to greater willpower to try new challenges and achieve goals.

  • Improved Interpersonal Relationships: Self-awareness teaches teens to be compassionate not only with themselves but also with others.

And it enables healthy relationships with family, friends, colleagues and others with whom they relate.

  • Greater Academic Progress: Finally, the teens who develop greater self-awareness tend to be more academically successful, as they are better able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on their development.

Adolescence can and should be a very happy and constructive phase, and form much more aware citizens!!!

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