Gratitude: A Movement of the Heart!






Our journey in the process of self-knowledge goes through the recognition of the feelings that we generate, maintain and emit from within our Being! Gratitude: A Movement of the Heart!

And one of the most important would be gratitude to the Creator, or God, or the Supreme Intelligence, or even what (or who) you believe and revere, and connect the heart!

Religious leaders and philosophers have warned us about the power of gratitude, which when it vibrates in our heart, reverberates throughout the universe!

  • Paul the Apostle: “Give Thanks in Everything“.
  • Fernando Pessoa: “Sometimes I hear the wind pass, and just hearing the wind pass is worth being born.
  • Seneca: “Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart“. Humanity’s greatest blessings are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without desiring what he does not have.”
  • Aesop: “Gratitude is the virtue of noble souls”.

Reverberating Lightly…



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Essential to know: Vibration Frequencies!

Just like a drop that falls into a container with calm waters, and causes a wave from the moment it touches the water, when our feelings vibrate, they echo in the surroundings and beyond!

Gratitude is a powerful feeling that can bring many benefits to mental and physical health. According to researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston, gratitude is powerful medicine for the brain.

Studies reveal that we have a natural tool at hand, which can be used effectively whenever we feel that stress, depression, anxiety are consuming our energies: the feeling of gratitude!

Imagine what you can do when we are healthy and full of life!!?

Stress reduction can be achieved through the intentional practice of gratitude, powerfully dampening the emotional response: we are in control of the vibrations!

It’s just that the hormones that are secreted as stress increases are considerably reduced by those others, which are triggered by the vibration of gratitude. They are opposites!

In addition, the act of expressing gratitude activates areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and emotion regulation, releasing dopamine and serotonin that cause us a feeling of well-being and happiness!

Vibrating Gratitude!!!

Everything in the universe is energy, frequency and vibration! And with thought, fluid matter, it’s the same thing!

Instead of keeping our thoughts on what is not so good, we can turn our thoughts to the positive aspects or possible solutions: plan A, plan B, plan C …and so on…< /p>

And it is within each one of us that the magic happens, when we unite thought and feeling, internally experiencing the vibration of gratitude: it’s 900 hertz or more!!!

The power of gratitude extends beyond the individual. When we intentionally practice gratitude seeking to achieve benefits, the result is not long in coming!

What if all of us, in a concerted effort, sought to implement the intentional practice of gratitude? Would we get more qualities in interpersonal, professional relationships?

Would there be more harmony in the relations of civilization, as a whole? Could peoples communicate in a lighter, more diplomatic and grateful way?

Gratitude: A Movement of the Heart!

Why do we so often accept that ingratitude insinuates itself to us, and be accepted as truth? We are not here talking about the other, but about the feeling!

Why are the negative points so highlighted: people, situations, feelings!!? Shouldn’t the focus be on what’s good, what’s positive?

We live with someone for many years and receive countless gifts, favors, kindness, countless joys!

And yet, if there was an unfortunate moment, a derogatory phrase, something we don’t like, all the positive falls by the wayside and the dislike takes center stage!

Look at the danger: at that moment we allow that feeling that is at the opposite extreme to come to life within our hearts: ingratitude! And his vibration is much lower!

And the purpose is to recognize what happens to us and has real value:

Gratitude: A Movement of the Heart!
  1. A blessed thought …
  2. Someone who favors us
  3. A danger averted… phew!!!
  4. A positive balance of the day…
  5. The people in our life: let’s make the list?
  6. The health of the body: the organs and their functions!!!
  7. Mental health: it is almost everything…
  8. Being able to feel
  9. Who we are
  10. What we have
  11. The air we breathe
  12. The smile, the welcome, the sympathy of someone for us!
  13. … make your list, your pot, daily!

The list is immense, but it has as its differential what is important to each one of us, and we have already managed to list it as a blessing: what makes your heart sing with gratitude?

3 Essential Gratitudes:

  1. Oral gratitude: that thank you (a) that we say almost as a moral duty, or the one that already comes out spontaneously, but still doesn’t involve much feeling: it’s already a start!
  2. Felt gratitude: it is the one that is conceived in the heart, felt, and comes loaded with these loving vibrations to the mouth and comes out naturally, expressing our intimate state!
  3. Gratitude that is so genuine, that we look for a way to reward and bring joy and happiness to that heart that made us feel gratitude: perhaps it is a gratitude that bears fruit!!!

Whatever yours, at whatever stage you are, the important thing is to start the process, so as not to be left out of the universal movement of ‘like attracts like’, or ‘everything we send back to us’!


It would not be surprising if an electrocardiogram performed on a patient who makes the heart vibrate with the feeling of gratitude at that moment, reveals to the heart doctor, a heart harmony!

Conscience. Meditation. Recognition. Gratitude.

The information we have access to today allows us to add value to our existence, when we put into practice changes for a better and healthier life!

Gratitude to you who made it this far. We wish success and the best vibes!!! See you next time!!!

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