Life and Energy: see how simple it can be to charge batteries close to nature!






Yes. Here we are going to talk about some aspects that can be changed in our routine, to achieve much healthier results with less effort.

Talking about Life and Energy: see how simple it can be to charge your batteries together with nature, remembering a natural way of leisure that brings joy and vitality!

The organic, the natural, the handmade, are choices we make so that we can temporarily stay away from the screens, which enchant us, but wear us down!

We invest our time in the day-to-day rush working, studying,
taking care of the house, the children, the parents…

Time passes quickly and modern life with its demands and technologies is consuming our best energies!

We still have to solve the problems that arise in our lives, in the lives of those we love, in our workplaces…

Some give us time to look for a solution, but many others ask us to take immediate action!
While all this is happening, nature with its exuberance is always present and available.

Life and Energy: see how simple it can be to charge batteries close to nature:



[button link={} texto={Essential reading: Authenticity and Self Love!} corfundo={#172874} corletra={#fff}]

[botao link={} texto={See also: The Search for Happiness!} corfundo={#172874} corletra= {#fff}]

The presence of nature can be felt in a plant decorating our house, or in a fruit tree in the orchard, or even in a bird that fills us with joy with its presence.

The radiant sun, or covered by clouds, never leaves us orphaned of its life-giving energy and warmth!

The rain comes to send a message that it is necessary to clean the atmosphere and give life to life, to grains, seeds, plants, trees, animals, streams…

We are not talking here about the excesses of sun and rain and disorderly temperatures, but about the active presence of what the Creator makes available to us!

Charging your batteries close to nature:

If we were to list here how many of us are intimately touched by the presence of flowers, our account would be very inaccurate.

Birthdays, graduations, weddings, Mother’s Day, commemorative dates, funerals and many other important moments, request their presence, with their perfumes and colors!

A weekend at the farm, in the park, on the beach, or even on the farm, can provide us with positive energy and charge our batteries for a long time.

A season where the air is lighter and cleaner, and we can take walks and exercises close to nature, has the power to restore, renew, re-vi-go-rar!!

And we haven’t even listed the joys found next to the fruit trees in the seasonality! Being able to harvest and bring fresh, organic food to the table is all good!

Certainly the joy is much more alive and intense than the one we have in groceries or groceries online.

And even more:

Remember that experience we learned in school, putting a bean grain in cotton to sprout?

It was already an invitation to strengthen our relationship with Mother Nature! And recognize the importance of that connection!

Walking barefoot along the beach, putting your feet in a creek and feeling the power of sand, earth and soil, anchors us in the here and now and gives us grounding!

Gathering greens and vegetables in the garden, with its smell of fresh, wet and tender earth, can leave records of joy and emotion for a lifetime!

A sense of peace and welcome, respect and support can be experienced when we hug a tree and stay there, quietly, just feeling the moment: time seems to stop!

Feeling and vibrating:

Also in nature, closely touched by the power of the creator and his divine creation, we can feel gratitude vibrating in our hearts for the many gifts available to us!

And, if we were to evaluate the range of the feeling of gratitude, it is 900 Hz . One of the highest vibrations listed on the scale of vibrational levels of consciousness!

And this can provide us with a “playground” between one fight and another!

Life and Energy: see how simple it can be to charge batteries close to nature!

Other feelings such as love (for so much beauty), hope (seeing that everything changes and renews each season) and enchantment (nature is exuberant) certainly lead us to a greater harmony with the creator!< /p>

We need more and more life and energy of superior quality and high vibrations!!!


We recently found a post on Pinterest, by “Dolce Bárbara”, on her profile “Poesias e tudo que I like” em>, which filled us with enchantment and fits right into our subject:

” What if we talked about the birds, the butterflies, the ladybugs, the fireflies, the energy of sunny days, the mountains, the rain, the flowers, the smiles, the friendship, the dreams, the love…!?& #8221;

“What if we talked about the blue sky, Faith, the beauty of the sea…!?”

Life and Energy: connections available in nature, with simplicity and lightness!!!

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