Nut cake to eat while thinking about life!!!






One of the best ways to enjoy a calm day is to eat a delicious nut cake while thinking about life.

Enter a carefree state and leave the problems of the day behind! Nut cakes can be part of this experience, lightly!

Making a walnut cake is really easy and is the perfect way to recharge your batteries after a long day. It can be served with a hot liqueur or at room temperature for an even more relaxing effect.

The origin of walnut cake!!!

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The records we have about the origin of this delicacy show that it was created in Ancient Greece, to render thanks to Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

The Greeks created the habit of placing small lighted candles on top of the cake, representing the moonlight, which they believed was the instrument used by Artemis to protect our planet.

Later, Germany adopted this custom in its ‘Kinderfest’, which were children’s parties, when then the peasants, at daybreak, would wake up their children with a cake lit by lit candles.

Today, cakes are enjoyed all over the world, with their most diverse flavors!

The nuts in this cake taste sweet and smooth, and at the same time, a slight hint of bitterness reminds us that nothing lasts forever.

Immersing yourself in a slightly magical world in which time seems to pass more slowly when the walnut cake is enjoyed in such quiet moments is always something to be enjoyed.

As such, this cake is an excellent option for those who want to enjoy meditative moments, being a stimulus to delve deeper into the inner universe and reflect on our existence.

Walnut Cake Features!

Walnuts are considered fruit bearing a seed, and meet the most demanding palates, having a dry, yet soft and tasty appearance.

When we think about making a cake and we are going to choose its flavor, we almost always think about those people who are going to eat it and we keep asking ourselves mentally: does so-and-so like this flavor or this fruit!!?

Whether to accompany a tasty tea, a refreshing juice, a hot chocolate, or even to be served as a dessert, the walnut cake is always a refined option. We can also choose between adding a topping or making it more basic, with only the original flavor.

How to make Walnut Cake | Ingredients:

– 200g of butter
– 4 eggs
– 200g sugar
– 200g flour
– 1 tablespoon baking powder
– 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
– 80g chopped walnuts
– 1 pinch of salt


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Place the butter in a bowl and beat with a wire whisk until fluffy. Add the sugar and beat until the mixture is light.

3. Add the eggs one by one, mixing well.

4. Stir in the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and a pinch of salt. Mix well.

5. Finally, add the chopped walnuts.

6. Put the dough in a greased shape with butter. Bake for about 40 minutes or until you can insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.

7. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool before serving.

Why should walnut cake be part of our cuisine?

Walnut cake is a delicious dessert that has many health benefits. Although it is high in fat, it contains healthy fatty acids, which are important for our diet. In addition, it is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins such as vitamin E and important minerals such as zinc.


1. Helps Control Blood Pressure: Nut cake contains healthy fatty acids such as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids that help regulate blood cholesterol levels. They can help lower blood pressure levels, preventing blood vessel damage and heart disease.

2. Decreases the risk of brain diseases: The healthy fat found in nut cakes is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. This fat helps improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

3. Rich in Folic Acid: Walnut cakes also contain folic acid, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and fetal development.

4. Rich in vitamins and minerals: Nut cakes are rich in minerals such as selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper. These minerals are responsible for the proper functioning of the heart, brain and immune system. They also provide vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and vitamin E.

Nut cake to eat while thinking about life!!!

Walnut cakes are equally nutritious and delicious. This is the main reason why this type of cake should be part of our cuisine. By including it in your diet, you can enjoy all the versatile health benefits that walnut cakes offer.

Final remarks:

The Walnut Cake is a great snack to serve on a daily basis or on special occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas and Easter. In addition to being tasty, it is nutritious, energetic and has several antioxidant properties.

Walnuts are versatile, as they can be used for various purposes, such as the preparation of cakes, pies and mousses. They can also be used to stuff sweet and savory foods, in addition to serving as a side dish, such as walnut cream pillows.

So, walnut cake is a delicious, nutritious and extremely versatile dessert, perfect for serving on special occasions or everyday use.

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