Daily Meditation with Lightness | 6 Application Options:






The daily meditation is an excellent tool to improve our mental and physical health.

It is a process that makes our mind relax, makes us more centered in our life directions and, finally, helps us to connect with our inner wisdom.

Daily meditation can be done in a light way, where you just inhale deeply and find a place of tranquility within yourself.

More than that, the practice of meditation can also contribute to physical well-being, resistance to stress, optimized immune system, promotion of good quality sleep and many more benefits.

Daily meditation can always be done in any way one chooses.

It is possible to meditate while sitting, walking slowly, meditating before going to sleep, meditating with visualizations, meditating with natural sounds, etc.

Some details about daily meditation with lightness:

Image taken from Google itself

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There is a way to meditate that incorporates lightness and fluidity of movement through stretching, very simple posture, muscle stretches, etc. – what I call daily meditation with lightness.

This specific style of meditation allows us to connect and align more and more with our body, as well as the energy that flows within and around us.

Daily meditation with lightness has many benefits. First, it helps create a bond between the mind, body and soul.

Through this connection, we remind ourselves that we are, above all, living beings and that we must take care of ourselves.

It also allows us to absorb the energy of the world around us more consciously, allowing lightness, beauty and wisdom to be assimilated.

Finally, we can also improve our mental and physical health by connecting and feeling at home with the energy that flows within us.

Daily meditation with lightness – 6 app options:

1. Stop, Breathe & Think:

The Stop, Breathe & Think is a simple meditation app that provides users with a way to quickly relax.

The application offers programs created by experts, customized to adapt to users’ mood swings.

The app’s intelligent algorithm also uses simple question answers to provide appropriate meditations and breathing therapies to help users reconnect with themselves and nature.

2. Calm down:

Calm is considered the most relaxing meditation app.

Calm teaches people how to meditate, relax and sleep better through meditation and breathing exercises, relaxing music, daily tasks and hypnosis.

The free version of the app includes daily audio recordings, while the premium version includes many more features, including the Calm community for conversation about other members’ success stories.

3. Headspace:

Headspace is a great guided meditation app for those just starting to explore meditation.

It teaches users the principles of meditation through step-by-step instructions that are easy to understand and manage.

Users can also find short audio content, motivational messages and video tutorials.

4. Smiling Mind:

Smiling Mind is another great app for users new to meditation.

Daily Meditation with Lightness | 6 Application Options:

He has a “mind-smile” for meditation, which allows users to relax and evoke a sense of calm and embracement through a suite of breathing and mindfulness techniques.

Users also access 7-week meditation programs for deeper experiences.

5. Lev:

Lev is an application focused on creating healthy habits. It offers daily tips, meditations and programs to relax and improve mental health.

Users can also track progress in habits using the available tracking tools, and also share top meditation successes on social media.

6. Yoga Wake up:

Yoga Wake Up is a great way to start your day. The app provides users with a powerful and light yoga session daily to allow them to start with focus and clarity.

The app also includes audio recordings to guide morning meditation, as well as specific schedules to help users improve other areas of their lives.

How to use daily meditation apps?

  • Choose an app you’re comfortable with more comfortable – There are many different apps on the market, each with its own meditation style and practices.
Decide which application you want to use and download it.
  • Reserve a moment of tranquility – Find a place where you can feel calm and comfortable without interruptions or distractions.
Set a time all the days to meditate; dedicate five to ten minutes to your daily practice.
  • Connect up to your breath – Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, feeling calm.
Think about your breath like a river flowing through your body, releasing tensions and worries.
  • Distract yourself less – Notice the thoughts and feelings that run through your mind without necessarily judging them or following each one.
Whenever you notice that If you’ve disconnected from your breath, refocus on it.
  • Regulate your time – If you want to increase or decrease the meditation period at any time, no problem.
The important thing is to allow that the process takes place in a calm environment that is good for you.!!!
Over time you will be able to feel that this new habit, installed and maintained, does a huge amount of good!!!

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