The classic Condensed Milk Pudding with lemon zest!






The Pudim de Leite Condensado is a classic Brazilian sweet known by all. It is usually prepared with condensed milk, eggs, sugar and in some cases also milk.

It is traditionally served during Carnival, but can be found at various parties and family gatherings. Condensed Milk Pudding with lemon zest is one of the most popular flavors.

The lemon zest gives the candy a fresh and refreshing citrus flavor that is perfect for the Brazilian heat. Plus, the added flavor helps balance out the sweetness of condensed milk, making it even more irresistible.

Here are some details about the condensed milk pudding with lemon zest:

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It is easy to prepare and requires only a few simple ingredients. The process is simple and instructions can be found on many cooking websites.

The result is a creamy, fragrant and delicious dessert that can be enjoyed on any occasion.

Learn how to prepare the classic Condensed Milk Pudding with Lemon Zest and enjoy this delicious Brazilian dessert.

Pudim de Leite Condensado is one of the most popular and common sweets in Brazilian cuisine. It’s a simple dessert, but with a unique flavor.

The origin of this candy is uncertain, but it seems that it was created in the 1950s in Brazil.

The candy was popularized by a company called Nestlé, which started to produce a specially canned condensed milk to make homemade sweets.

The Condensed Milk Pudding with lemon zest became very popular and is still one of the most served sweets in Brazil.

The relevance of condensed milk pudding with lemon zest!!!

Condensed milk pudding with lemon zest is a very popular traditional dessert in Brazil.

It is one of the tastiest and most versatile dishes in Brazilian cuisine. It is considered a true delight by many people.

Because it is a nutrient-rich food, condensed milk pudding with lemon zest has many health benefits.

Condensed milk is rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, phosphorus and other important vitamins and minerals for our body. In addition, it is a great source of energy and contains a lot of calories.

The sweet taste of condensed milk pudding with lemon zest is very refreshing. Lemon adds a unique flavor and aroma to the dish.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for our health. In addition, it is an excellent source of antioxidants, which help us fight free radicals.

Finally, the condensed milk pudding with lemon zest is a dessert that helps us relax and gives us great moments of pleasure.

It is an excellent option for those who want to enjoy a tasty and refreshing sweet.


– 2 cans of condensed milk (395g each);

– 2 tea cups of milk;

– 1/2 cup of lemon zest;

– 4 tablespoons of butter;

– 1/2 cup of sugar.

Method of preparation:

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. In a bowl, mix condensed milk, milk, lemon zest and butter.

3. Pour the mixture into a buttered pudding mold.

4. Pour sugar over the mixture.

5. Bake for approximately 1 hour or until pudding is set.

6. Remove from oven and let cool completely.

7. Develop the pudding and serve.

Final considerations:

Yes, it is worth making condensed milk pudding with lemon zest. Lemon adds a unique and delicious flavor to traditional condensed milk pudding. Plus, it’s a fun way to vary the flavor of the dish.

The pudding with lemon zest is a tasty and easy-to-prepare dessert. It’s a great option for those who want to vary the flavor of the traditional condensed milk pudding.

It is a delicious and versatile dessert that can be served as a main dish or as a dessert.

It is made with condensed milk, egg, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon, and is usually served hot or cold. It’s easy to prepare and makes a light dessert for any meal.

The sweet flavor of condensed milk blends well with other ingredients and is ideal for achieving delicious textures and flavors.

The classic Condensed Milk Pudding with lemon zest!

The flavor of the pudding is slightly sweet and is easily adaptable to any flavor preference.

In addition, this dessert is high in energy, with lots of calories and nutrients, making it a good choice for anyone who wants to stay healthy.

For all these reasons, pudding is a great option for any dessert. It’s easy to prepare, versatile and tastes delicious.

Plus, it’s high in calories and nutrients, making it a good choice for any meal.

When your pudding is ready, sit back and enjoy, and enjoy the moment!!!

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