What is TRG?






Our conversation today is about TRG – Generative Reprocessing Therapy. Have you heard of it? Do you know anyone who has been a client of this therapy, or is a certified therapist?

And did you know that anyone can be a certified TRG therapist, without taking a psychology course? It’s that simple!

So our conversation should be very pleasant and enlightening!

Firstly, it is important to mention that TRG was created and developed by professor and psychologist Jair Soares, and is recognized by the MEC.

And it has the broad support of CITRG – International Council for Generative Reprocessing Therapy, with its Code of Ethics and Professional Discipline.

It is an innovative technique, which is already used successfully in many countries. Online therapy, if the client prefers!

In addition, TRG presents its own method of implementation and once put into practice, it is responsible for helping thousands of people, as it is focused on results. This is not hypnosis therapy!

Want to know more? So continue reading this article until the end, as the best and main information regarding Generative Reprocessing Therapy (TRG) will be presented throughout. Shall we go?

What is TRG?

This therapeutic process, created by professor and psychologist Jair Soares, is based on neuroplasticity (also known as neuronal plasticity or brain plasticity, refers to the ability of the central nervous system to adapt and shape itself to new situations) of the brain and uses the cycles of unconscious mechanisms.

The TRG – Generative Reprocessing Therapy – is a powerful tool and a brief, focused and oriented therapy to help people understand and reprocess emotional problems, without the use of medication.

The invitation here is clear: look inside! Challenging, but it can also be pain-free.

Also known as “results therapy”, TRG seeks the reasons that are forgotten, ignored or often “put under the carpet”, but which have not been brought to consciousness.


For this reason, they continue to cause suffering, interfering with life and relationships, and even taking away the person’s peace and tranquility.

Focuses on the search for emotional and psychosomatic problems, working directly at the root of traumas, phobias, anguish, compulsions and panic attacks, etc.

Accesses the accumulation of traumatic and/or limiting recordings in the brain, which generate blockages and limitations.

Generative reprocessing remodels the psyche so that the person is not immobilized in the face of pain.

It enables the client to strengthen their emotional health, give new meaning to past problems and obtain a new understanding of painful situations, freeing themselves from possible psychosomatic processes that result from these situations.

The TRG difference:

The TRG approach stands out for its difference compared to other types of therapy.

One of its main characteristics is the non-dependence on verbal communication from customers. So, they don’t have to (if they don’t want to) detail their anguish.

Sometimes, the person has experienced situations that they would not like or would even feel embarrassed about if they had to tell the therapist. No need to talk.

The therapeutic process will work with the reflexes, the consequences of trauma, which already signal the root of the problem.

This happens mainly because the effectiveness of this method is directly linked to the client’s willingness to become aware of this pain, in order to reprocess it and free themselves from it. It’s an internal process.

It is common for therapists to hear reports from clients about something that is persistently repeated in their pattern of behavior and/or in their reactions to certain facts.

The client tells the therapist what led him to therapy, some important and basic aspects of his life and relationships, profession, family, etc.

Low self-esteem, family conflicts, financial instability, professional dissatisfaction, personal dilemmas and marital problems are some of the many situations that cause suffering and encourage people to seek help from a professional.

The therapist must work with security and versatility, helping his client to know and face blocks and limitations.

Go to the root of the problem with the clear objective of transmuting the negative charge and emotions associated with trauma, transforming and regenerating traumatic memories: this is the mission.

And the anamnesis, filled with care and attention, is a very powerful support tool, which can be the guide and have the necessary strength to clarify the path to be followed!

TRG uses 5 basic, effective and results-generating methods:

1.Chronological Generative Reprocessing Method:

This is where it all starts. It is the first step, when therapist and patient begin to “clean”, to reprocess what needs to be treated.

From childhood until now! Here begins the process of restructuring and reconstruction.

Chronologically, from birth to current age, a survey is carried out, tracking all traumatic records.

Such as deaths, losses and illnesses, along with all the adversities faced during childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

Everything that may have happened in a remarkable or repetitive way, and that comes to the surface, in memory, as being an important and/or unforgettable fact.

And so, those events that were often forgotten and/or dormant, can emerge as being of great importance in elucidating current situations.

2.Somatic Generative Reprocessing Method:

The focus here is on the body’s reactions (soma).

The psyche maps its pain onto the body.

Persistent problems are commonly developed in the body after some emotional trauma.

The records are made by the unconscious, which records in the body. Today it is known that each part of the body speaks, speaks of a type of conflict and pain.

The body and mind are constantly associated and connected. When we access painful moments, we activate pain records in the body.

How many times does your head hurt, your stomach upset, simply when remembering something unpleasant or traumatic, which even though it happened a long time ago, still causes physical reactions!!?

The reprocessing cycles are repeated until the discomfort in the body dissipates. The therapist has effective tools to help the client deal with and alleviate these physical discomforts.

3.Thematic Generative Reprocessing Method:

Now it’s time to comb, or if you prefer, scan the “less happy” moments: have they all been worked on?

Otherwise, it’s time to work on what’s left, by themes. Those themes that generated emotional problems and that still cause discomfort.

At this stage, reprocessing is done by themes, the most common of which are: abuse, abandonment, “rotten fingers” to choose a partner, professional and personal difficulties…

During this process, memories related to the topic in question will be worked on, from childhood to your current age.

Themes often come to the surface during the process, in the previous phases; the client had not noticed a certain aspect in their life that was causing discomfort.

One by one they are worked on, tirelessly, until they are consciously elucidated and treated, and no longer need to represent a threat to well-being.

The role of anamnesis here is fundamental. She will direct the process to reach the initial points reported (which made the person seek therapy), as being those who need help, to leverage and boost the process.

4.Future Generative Reprocessing Method:

The previous methods brought to light the fears, traumas, anxieties, suffering due to situations experienced until then. And they were properly treated. But others may still emerge.

The future generative reprocessing method will work on experiences that have not yet been lived by the patient, so that he remains confident in himself, and has the strength to create in the unconscious (which is timeless – it just creates situations without distinguishing past, present or future) a favorable climate to proceed.

Here, the fears that clients have regarding the future are addressed, since these fears influence their present, and compromise confidence in the future.

Both real and imaginary fears have an equivalent impact on the body, and need to be reprocessed and lose their capacity for action and determination of what the future will be like. The resistances must fall to the ground!

The future is being built in the present, and must be projected in a confident and hopeful way, mainly on a mental level, in the projection of the imagination. No limiting beliefs. With real strength!!!

TRG’s methods were tested more than 15,000 times in sessions and analyses, and were improved until they reached what we have today!!!

5.Empowerment Method:

We have reached the last stage of the TRG. Up to this point, we have addressed the traumas of the past and faced the fears of the future. Now, we are amplifying the best you aspire for in your life.

It’s time to create new beliefs, values, safe projections; generate resources, consolidate objectives, and all of this in a simple way!

This method will help the client to build and enhance the good, the beautiful, happiness, achievements and achievements, overcoming. It’s time to plant the seeds of the future; the past is gone.

It’s as if the therapist took the patient to a mountain, from where he could foresee a future life of achievements much happier than those of the past! It’s time to boost the future!!!

Reporting it this way, it may seem easy and simple, but it is the result of all the work done with seriousness and responsibility, going through the previous steps (without skipping any) until we get here.

Therapist and client joining forces and resources, to positively change emotional states of pain and suffering, traumas and phobias, resistance, and reaping the fruits of this courageous and liberating endeavor.

All of these methods are always used with a “security mechanism” which helps the patient stay in the present and manage their journey.

What are the main benefits of TRG?

TRG frees you from trauma, blockages and emotional pain from birth to your current age, through:

  • Conscious restructuring of the psyche;
  • Generation of new neural connections;
  • Promoting a more assertive and confident attitude towards the future;
  • No need to constantly talk about conflicts, making it suitable for more reserved people;
  • Focus on emotional pain, which helps to release all unconscious blocks resulting from negative experiences from birth to the present.

The “know thyself” here it is applied correctly and alerts us to the important role of the unconscious:

  1. Every emotion has logic.
  2. The unconscious seeks happiness.
  3. Looping (continues within the psyche): compulsion to repeat what we cannot resolve.
  4. The unconscious is timeless: everything is a reality of the present.
  5. The unconscious records “400%” of everything.
  6. Our mental and emotional software needs adjustment.
  7. We may have been emotionally frozen in that traumatic childhood event.
  8. The child learns through generalization.

Who can get treatment and why have TRG?

TRG is suitable and recommended for all age groups: children, young people, adults and the elderly.

It is safe in its entirety, with only a few rare exceptions, such as when someone has difficulty understanding the guidelines and cannot actively participate in the process, consciously.

Phobias, panic syndrome, emotional trauma, depression, disorders, victims of violence, abuse, anxiety, other syndromes, guilt, and an extensive list of emotional pains can be successfully treated by TRG.

Each client achieves results in their own time: some in just a few sessions; others need more time to go deeper into the process, and sometimes take the opportunity to address other issues that come to the surface.

But after all, why do TRG?

Well, the therapeutic process helps with change, freeing you from the constraints that prevent you from achieving goals. And in-depth self-knowledge can be the liberating door from the problem or trauma, or pain.

Generative reprocessing focuses on emotional pain that accumulates throughout life, and that creates invisible obstacles in the present and can compromise the future.

There is a page on Instagram, with many reports from patients who found TRG a safe way to understand their pain. Stories of ordinary people looking inside themselves. (official.trg)


In summary, Generative Reprocessing Therapy (TRG), developed by Jair Soares, is a therapeutic approach that is based on brain neuroplasticity and unconscious mechanisms.

What is TRG?

It focuses on treating emotional and psychosomatic problems, freeing them from traumas and limitations.

In addition, TRG does not rely on patients’ often embarrassing reports, but conducts therapy in a way that increases awareness of memories.

Steps include exploring life chronologically, activating memories in the body, reprocessing emotional themes, addressing future fears, and enhancing aspirations.

The benefits include psychic restructuring, new neural connections and release of emotional blocks. The therapy is safe for all ages except in rare cases.

In short, TRG offers emotional transformation, freeing from the past and empowering for a promising future.

And then? If you’ve read this far, you’ve already benefited greatly from some important information about TRG. There would still be more to report…but perhaps it will be a subject for a future conversation!!! See you soon!!!

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