Three perfect soup options for cold days | See how to do it here:






In this article we will present three options for perfect soups for cold days. With the onset of winter, the weather gets colder and the need to warm up the body also increases.

A great alternative are soups, which in addition to warming up, can be very nutritious and tasty.

The soups are a great option for those who want to have a light dish on the family menu. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients that are healthy.

In addition, they can be made with different ingredients, such as vegetables, grains, eggs, meat and others, which makes it easy to find a recipe that pleases everyone.

Here are some details about the perfect soups for cold days:

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Soups are great for cold days, as they warm the body and make it more resistant to the cold. They are very tasty and help satisfy hunger, which makes meals more complete.

Therefore, it is important to include soups in the daily menu during cold days, to help ensure a healthy and nutritious diet.

Soups for cold days are a tradition in our cuisine because they are a way to offer a nutritious and tasty meal that warms the body.

Soups are also a great way to take advantage of foods that are available in colder times, such as winter, when many types of vegetables are in abundance.

In addition, soups are generally cheaper than other meals and easier to prepare, which makes them ideal for those who have little time to cook.

Three perfect soup options for cold days | Here’s how to do it:

Soups are a meal that can be expanded to serve many people, which is a great advantage for those who have large families or have many visitors.

Preparing a soup with natural products, instead of buying ready-made soups, is much healthier!

Slices of French bread or some toast are a side option!

1. Onion soup | Ingredients:

4 large onions,

2 tablespoons of butter, 4

spoons (soup) of wheat flour,

2 liters of meat or vegetable broth,

salt to taste.

Method of preparation:

Cut the onions into thin slices, sauté them in butter until transparent.

Then add the wheat flour, stirring well.

Add the stock and season with salt.

Cook for approximately 40 minutes.

Serve hot.

2. Lentil soup | Ingredients:

1 cup (tea) of lentils,

1 chopped onion,

2 cloves of garlic, minced,

1 chopped tomato,

1 liter of water,

1 tablespoon of olive oil,

salt and black pepper to taste.

Method of preparation:

Sauté the onion, garlic and tomato in olive oil.

Add the lentils and water and cook for 30 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper and serve next.

3. Pumpkin soup: Ingredients:

1 cabotiá pumpkin, 1 chopped onion,

1 clove of minced garlic, and 1 spoonful of olive oil,

1 liter of chicken broth,

1 cup (tea) of fresh cream, salt and black pepper to taste.

Method of preparation:

Cut the pumpkin into pieces, place in a pan with the chicken broth and cook until tender.

Then, blend in a blender, add the onion, garlic, olive oil and cream, stirring well.

Season with salt and pepper.

Serve hot.

Final thoughts on the perfect soups for cold days:

Soups are ideal for cold days because they are rich in nutrients, tasty and very comforting. They contain many healthy foods and natural products.

In addition, soups are easy to prepare and usually very inexpensive. Soups are also good for your health because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.

This means they can help keep your immune system healthy and help with digestion. Some soups are also rich in antioxidants, which help fight aging and chronic disease.

Three perfect soup options for cold days | See how to do it here:

Soups are also versatile. You can add different vegetables, legumes, meats, grains and spices to create a nutritious and satisfying dish.

And maybe you’re creating the best soup in the world with healthy foods, for your taste buds!

Soups are a great way to use up leftover vegetables and grains in your pantry and fridge. It’s also a great way to get more nutrients.

Finally, soups are perfect for cold days because they are a light food. They help warm you up and keep you full.

They are easy to digest and can be consumed even when you are not very hungry.

Read also | Walnut cake for eat while thinking about life.

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