See what Treasury Direct Fixed Income Bonds are and how you can invest!






It seems that everything starts with Fixed Income: it provides the necessary security and support to take the next steps in other investments.

Investments in Fixed Income Treasury Bonds are 100% guaranteed by the National Treasury and therefore are the safest investments in Brazil!

In addition to offering daily liquidity (you can buy and sell at any time), the Treasury Direct is accessible to individual investors, and has a good return.

It is the application with the lowest market risk and from +- R$30.00 you can already make financial investments, thus being among the 59% of the population that invest up to R$1,000.00 (Now in July 2023) .

Tesouro Direto is a program of the National Treasury of Brazil, which was launched in 2002, in partnership with B3 to democratize the purchase and sale of Federal Public Securities for Individuals in a 100% online way.


Treasury Direct contributed to the diversification of investment alternatives available in the market, offering securities with different types of profitability: linked to inflation, to the Selic, prefixed…

Thus, the options meet the different purposes of each investor citizen!

It is very likely that you will find a fixed-income Treasury Bond that fits right into your pocket and meets your financial investment need and/or objective!

Objectives of the Direct Treasury:

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  • Ensure citizen access to investment in Federal Public Debt securities.
  • Promote financial education to Brazilians.
  • To be an investment reference for those seeking security and liquidity.
  • Stimulate the habit and formation of savings in the country.
  • Encourage competitiveness in the financial market.
  • Be a known and accessible investment alternative.

Now, with the Simplified Registration, it is possible to register and start investing in Treasury Direct in a few minutes, without having to leave the platform.

Or you can invest in Treasury Direct bonds, available at a Banking Institution or Stock Broker.

But, you don’t need to go to the bank or brokerage to invest. All applications, redemptions and follow-ups can be made through the official website of the Direct Treasury or application. 100% digital, 100% online.

Understanding Fixed Income Treasury Bonds:

The government issues securities also known as “Government Bonds” to raise funds from investors and thus be able to finance its activities.

By investing, you are lending money to the government and you get back the investment amount + interest for the time the money remained borrowed.

Like savings, direct Treasury is a fixed income investment.

His focus is on the long term, and one of the objectives is for the investor to have an extra monthly income, adjusted for inflation.

With different characteristics, such as maturity, rates, profitability, minimum investment limit, and others, Government Bonds are considered very low risk!

But, although the Federal Government is considered a debt issuer with a low risk of default, its bonds are also exposed to market fluctuations, interest rate variations, inflation…

Like any investment, Government Bonds can also be affected in profitability!

So Government Bonds are presented as an intelligent investment option, either for their safety or their liquidity (ease of trading in the financial market).

They are also a way to protect your investments against inflation, and another option to diversify your investment portfolio, protecting your assets from market fluctuations.

Real Value of Fixed Income Treasury Securities:

There is a process for evaluating and updating the values ​​of fixed income investments known as “mark-to-market”, which allows the values ​​of securities and financial products to be updated.

Always based on the price the market is trading in real time, in the present, right now!

Every day, based on financial market quotations, stock exchanges and financial institutions disclose the real and current value of the securities.

In this way, it is constantly possible for investors to know in real time the profitability of their investment portfolio.

All types of investments need constant monitoring, because the one that is excellent at the moment may not be so profitable in a little while: and fixed income is no different!

The most experienced investors know how to choose the most profitable asset and keep it in their portfolio, yielding, until the right moment to sell it, even if it is still far from maturity.

This procedure follows the ups and downs of the financial market chart and prevents unnecessary losses, as insisting on holding the paper until maturity will sometimes result in greater losses.

Fixed Income Treasury Bonds, they are:

  • TESOURO RENDA+ : is the newest title of the Direct Treasury and was designed to help you plan your retirement. His focus is on the long term, and one of his goals is for the investor to have an extra monthly income, corrected for inflation.
  • PREFIXED: prefixed bonds have a fixed interest rate, which you know at the time of purchase. It is the ideal investment for anyone who wants to know exactly how much they will receive when the bond matures. ideal for medium and long term goals!
  • SELIC TREASURE: Selic Treasury securities are post-fixed securities and have profitability linked to the Selic rate. The Selic Rate is the basic interest rate of the Brazilian economy. It is the investment that has the lowest risk in case of early sale and its focus is the short term! Ideal for anyone who wants to start investing in Treasury Direct.
  • IPCA TREASURE: the focus here is on the long term! The IPCA Treasury is a combination of prefixed and post-fixed, that is, when investing you have a prefixed income + inflation for the period. Its profitability depends on the IPCA (Extended Consumer Price Index).

And, if we choose to invest in inflation-indexed government bonds, we can have a balanced portfolio, and benefit from falling interest rates.

If interest rates fall, bonds appreciate. If, on the other hand, interest rates rise, bonds depreciate and lose market value!

Tesouro Direto – service channels:

Website: from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, from Monday to Friday, you can carry out purchase and sale operations on the official website of Dinheiro Direto. There you will find the clear and safe explanations you need to make your decisions.

You can carry out an investment simulation using the platform’s calculator: cConsult the price and fee table for government bonds available to invest or redeem! Rates, profitability and interest!

It is necessary to make a simple registration and start investing in Treasury Direct, in a practical, fast and very safe way for investors.

Application: the Carroz Direct app can be downloaded directly from the App Store or Google Play and you will have everything that Treasury Direct offers in the palm of your hand.


Whatsapp: a robotic service by number (11) 9 9221-4750, where you can ask questions about how to buy and sell securities through the app, through the investor portal or through the platforms from your financial institution.


Treasury Direct contributes effectively by offering secure tools to make many dreams and achievements of its investors come true!

See what Treasury Direct Fixed Income Bonds are and how you can invest!

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Investing and saving have always been important factors in the growth of assets with the aim of creating the habit and forming that financial reserve to finance projects and dreams!

Now may be the time for the decisive step, for decision-making, for action!

See you soon!!!

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